Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My first blog post!

I have no idea what I am doing, but I decided to start a blog anyway. I will attempt to keep you updated on what's going on in our lives.

James is out of town right now. He is working in Lubbock 2 days a week for the rest of the year. Neither of us like that he has to travel, but I guess it could be worse - he could be further away or gone for longer periods of time. I will hope it doesn't come to that at a later date.

Like most other people, we are worried about the economy and our financial future. We have tried to learn from our money mistakes and are now trying to take care of finances the way God says to.
We attempt to be grown-ups and keep up with news and politics. I am worried that Obama will become president - I think he may win. I am obviously for McCain. I will write a another post on that subject later! I feel so worthless that I have never paid attention to these things in the past. Am I maturing? ;) I am voting for sure this year!

James and I have both become Christ followers in the past few years and are so thankful to those who helped us get here. Thank you God for our friends Barry and Lisa, and thank you for how blessed we feel everyday. I consider myself a pretty intelligent person and I can't believe how long it took me to realize or see the truth. There is an absolute truth. ---Another thing I can blog about later! Isn't that exciting!

It's almost midnight - must sleep. More later...

Love and Blessings to all!